Name:Robbie Vickers
Status: Year-round since 2005
Business:Owner: Mini Super Guiones
“When Irish Eyes are Smiling”
It seems most folks are drawn to the melodic ‘Irish Lilt’. My friend Robbie Vickers has one; he was born and raised in Ireland. Ireland is a beautiful country with lots of open green spaces, and heaps of waves of all descriptions. One wonders how he came to call Nosara home. Robbie and his wife Nella own and operate the Guiones Mini Supermarket. If you’ve been in Guiones in the last couple of years it’s very likely you been in their store. It’s centrally located in the middle of “Main Street Guiones”, adjacent to Surfing Nosara and next to Robins Ice Cream. Last year they totally renovated the store and property, expanding the markets shelf space and building two very stylish upscale rental flats upstairs. Robbie and Nella have two beautiful daughters, Sophia (15) and Isabella (4) and are expecting a third girl, Camilla, in September. They are both widely known and loved in town.
Robbie’s story is original and inspiring, and we are lucky to have this lovely family here!

Nella, Isabella, Robbie (with Camilla in oven!) Mom and Sophia
Robbie’s Story
“I was born and raised in Ireland. It was great as a kid growing up. I remember we used to get long beautiful summers with lots of rain the rest of the year. I used to travel to the west coast with my dad almost every weekend – he would fly fish the rivermouths for salmon and I would go surfing. If there were no waves I would fish with him. I left Ireland when I was 19 years old to attend my friend’s wedding in Montauk New York. I fell in love with the surfing and fishing scene there and decided to stay. One of my first jobs was working on a commercial fishing boat, which I did for two years. Fishing allowed me to save enough money to travel and surf in the winter months. I spent a lot of time in Puerto Rico back then. The waves were great but it just got too crowded for my liking. I began to focus on saving enough money to start my own business. My painting company Robbie Vickers Custom interiors employed 28 people at one time and we painted mansions on eastern long Island in a place know as The Hamptons. Being self-employed allowed me to take some cool surf trips. I spent two months in Indonesia and experienced the best waves I’ve ever surfed. But it was on an extended trip to Central America where I first saw Nosara. I arrived at the beach and looked out upon perfect blue-green waves peeling off up and down the beach that did it for me.I wanted to be somewhere where the surf was more consistent and the water was warm and Nosara offers that. I returned to New York and realized that after twelve years it was time for a change. I got very lucky and sold both my house and business two days before the collapse of Bear Stearns financial empire. I moved to Costa Rica 2 months later and built my house in Nosara. I met Nella three years ago at the Nosara Fiesta and it was truly love at first sight”.
Nella and Robbie – Stop in and say hi
Luck of the Irish! Robbie likes the power, punch, and hollows of Playa Ostional and also surfs Guiones regularly. Here he exits the pit with full beard commitment! When not surfing or running he’s at the store taking care of business. The recent expansion of the market has enabled him and Nella to increase the product line with an emphasis on quality and diversity. Healthy/organic selections and varied ethnic items are available as well as fresh produce, fine wines and beers.
With a major renovation/expansion last year, Mini Super Guiones is has grown with the town.
Plus two Uber-Chic New Apartments!