01 Beginning
the Right Way
Safari Surf hires and trains local staff & surf instructors only.
“We have an immense passion for surfing and as surfers we have a deep connection with the environment in which we work and play in. It is our responsibility as surfers and human beings to protect this amazing gift so our future generations can enjoy it as we do today.”

Tim Marsh
Founder and CEO Safari Surf School
02 Nothing is Easy
Hard Work Pays Off
It’s our responsibility to protect and restore our environment for future generations.
Having the opportunity to share our love for surfing with people from all around the world motivates us to protect and enhance the local environment and community that make Safari Surf School so special.
We continue to strive to be the most sustainable Costa Rica surf school and surf hotel in the world. Safari Surf

Read more about our transition to a more sustainable future with Olas Verdes here.

Pack for a Purpose
We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination.
If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for the projects we support in need, you’ll make a priceless impact on the lives of our local children and families.
Please click here to see what supplies are needed for our projects.

Partnership with Refuge for Widlife
Our team at Safari Surf believes in the work this group is doing, so much so that we decided to make a $50.00 donation for each Safari guest who books an all-inclusive surf package with us. This organization only works on donations and we at Safari Surf felt the need to dedicate our time and money to help this amazing cause!

Nature Conservation
While building our “LEED” certified Olas Verdes Resort, we were able to save 90% of all trees on our property.

Invest in our Community
Our staff is family.
They are Safari Surf. We hire and train only local people so we can educate, enrich, and share with these wonderful people.

School Projects
Helping Kids in Need
Through our partnership with Pack for A Purpose and Surfing Nosara Foundation, our guests have donated literally over a “ton” of goods over the last 16 years to help local schools and families.

Partnership with Costas Verdes
Safari Surf is proud to be a Sea Turtle “Gold” sponsor for an amazing local project, Costas Verdes or “Green Coast.
A truly special project that involves the whole community, from the national and international volunteers, schools, and local businesses to children who receive environmental education workshops.

STOKE Certified
Our Costa Rica Surf School is the 1st Sustainable Certified surf program in the world.

With FONAFIFO’s Costa Rica reforestation projects, Safari Surf School is actively offsetting all guest and staff CO2 Carbon Emissions by purchasing carbon credits based on our guest and staff commuter details.
Safari Surf keeps track of where our guests are traveling from as well as our staff commutes to and from work. Based on these annual calculations, Safari Surf purchases carbon credits to offset its carbon footprints.
03 Your Support
One World, One Wave
Your Support
There are many ways you can contribute to our favorite causes and support our local community.
From donated books to used backpacks, every small step counts. Reach out and let’s chat about how you can help our local community.
04 Reviews
What they're saying about Safari Surf?
300+ Reviews on TripAdvisor
and counting ; )









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